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Create An Order

POST /api/integrator/order

Content-Type: application/json

This method is used to create an individual order in the Keepz system.


  • identifier (UUID, Required) - Identifier of the integrator in the Keepz system (provided to the integrator by the Keepz representative)
  • encryptedData (String, Required) - Request details encrypted with the integrator key. The encoded value must contain the following parameters:
    • amount (Double, Required) - Amount of the requested funds (in GEL).
    • receiverId (UUID, Required) - Identifier of the recipient of the money in the Keepz system (provided to the integrator by a Keepz representative).
    • receiverType (String, Required) - The type of receiver of the money in the Keepz system (must always be written as "BRANCH").
    • integratorId (UUID, Required) - Unique identifier of the integrator in the Keepz system (provided to the integrator by the Keepz representative).
    • integratorOrderId (UUID, Required) - Unique identifier of the order in the integrator system.


"encryptedData": "string",
"identifier": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

"amount": 1.0,
"receiverId": "0349ce8d-8061-4867-94a9-b9de0fb3fec6",
"receiverType": "BRANCH",
"integratorId": "ce8cc897-6963-4116-ac81-91323d172012",
"integratorOrderId": "8ab2df0b-c749-4a68-bf3c-1179d17b83a4"

Parameters Returned:

  • encryptedData (String) - Information encrypted with the Keepz key. The encoded value contains the following parameters:
    • systemId (String) - Unique identifier of the order in the Keepz system.
    • integratorOrderId (UUID) - Unique identifier of the orderin the integrator system.
    • urlForQR (String) - URL which can be used to generate QR for created order (Returned if integrator generating QR per order).


"encryptedData": "string"

"systemId": 1,
"integratorOrderId": "8ab2df0b-c749-4a68-bf3c-1179d17b83a4"